Quantify Technology | Truly Intelligent Buildings

Quantify Launches World Class Power Outlet

As announced in yesterday's release to the ASX, we are excited to unveil our new General Purpose Outlet (GPO or Power Outlet) and Glass Switch Fascia for our wall mounted lighting controller...

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Quantify Technology | Truly Intelligent Buildings | Q Device

Mission: Possible—a first look at Q Device in action

The much-anticipated installation of Quantify Technology's Q Device, in a luxury Sydney CBD apartment, is now complete!

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IoT | ASX | Truly Intelligent Buildings | Q Device | Fabric Extension

"Quantify’s global industry recognition lies in its sales pipeline of IOT devices"

Following our ASX announcement of 21 June 2017, the financial press has now picked up on the strength of the Quantify sales pipeline and the underlying potential of the Company.

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Quantify Technology | IoT | ASX | Truly Intelligent Buildings | Q Device | Fabric Extension

Next-generation Q Device expands potential market. More Australian projects secured

Production Development Phase of Fabric Extension Fascia

In mid- Q2 the Company demonstrated its Fabric Extension fascia proof of concept to several leading technology companies in the US. The...

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IoT | Truly Intelligent Buildings | Building Automation

New infra-red motion & light sensing Q Device. Fit-out of demonstration suite

Quantify Technology are pleased to announce the successful development and release to manufacture of its passive infra-red motion sensor fascia to complement its growing suite of products. The new...

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IoT | Cisco | Truly Intelligent Buildings

Cisco Internet of Everything Innovation Centre to showcase Quantify Technology

Quantify Technology is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with the Cisco Internet of Everything Innovation Centre (CIIC) to showcase and promote opportunities for the Company’s...

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Quantify Technology | IoT | Intelligent Buildings | Truly Intelligent Buildings

To implement IoT successfully, avoid these 6 mistakes. (Don't start before you've done No.1)


Thousands of companies are rushing to market with millions of IoT devices and solutions. There are many pitfalls that lie in the way however, to trip up the unprepared and prevent...

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IoT | Truly Intelligent Buildings

Top 5 Current Technologies That IoT Will Kill Off (Bet you hadn’t thought of No.2)

As we accelerate towards a fully connected IoT world, let's pause for a moment to consider the poor old technologies that won't be around to see this beautifully integrated new world...

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IoT | Mark Lapins | Truly Intelligent Buildings

Q Device Receives Industry Certification

We are pleased to announce the achievement of a significant milestone on Quantify's commercialisation roadmap. Several key devices that make up the core infrastructure pieces of Quantify's...

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IoT | Buildings IoT | Intelligent Buildings | Smart Buildings | Truly Intelligent Buildings

A Platform For Life

Take a look at how Quantify Technology's revolutionary Internet of Things technology platform will impact all of our lives - whether at home or in the workplace. This is the latest release from...

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