Mark Lapins Presents at CiscoLive!

Managing Director, Mark Lapins invited to speak at Ciscolive! 

Cisco Live is Cisco's premier education and training destination for IT professionals worldwide. As an experienced and authoritative figure, Mark was asked by Cisco to share his experience on how to build a successful tech startup.

During his presentation, Mark was able to share part of the Quantify Technology story and explain what drives our company and, most importantly, WHY we do what we do. This is core to our corporate identity and what makes Quantify Technology a standout in the Internet of Things space.

2017-03-10 (1).pngMark's expertise, experience and success in the creation of cutting edge technology solutions, backed by his skill in presenting complex ideas in a simple way to a variety of audiences has seen him as a key speaker at numerous technology events. This appearance at Cisco Live comes from his close relationships with current and former Cisco executives and the credibility he can offer at such events.


With our ASX listing now complete, Quantify Technology is well positioned to become the platform of choice for the multi-trillion dollar  global Internet of Things industry. Look for more appearances in the future and the insights these appearances bring.


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